Research plan
The research plan is a document in which the PhD student develops a plan for his/her thesis. It should include an introduction, a brief state of the art to put in context the plan, the motivation and objectives of the work, the work done so far, a plan, detailing tasks and time planning, and a list of conferences and indexed journals were the work can be presented or submitted to. A typical table of content is
- Cover page including the text “Research plan”, tentative title of the thesis, PhD program, name of the PhD student, name of the advisor(s) and date.
- Brief summary
- Introduction (state of the art, motivation, objectives)
- Work done so far
- Work plan (work to be done, tasks and time planning, tentative list of conferences and indexed journals, stays, etc). This must include a 1--page schedule of the forthcoming work until the end of the Thesis.
- References
A short document of 10-30 pages is recommended, with annexes for details.
The panel is composed by 3 doctors with relevant expertise in the field, as president, secretary (from UPC) and vocal. As a general rule, the panel is composed by 2 researchers associated to the DMA program and an external one. In any case, the panel must include at least 1 researcher associated to the DMA program, and three of them cannot belong to the same research group. Finally any of the members of the panel can be a coauthor of the PhD student.
[These rules have been approved by the Board of Studies of DMA at a meeting 05/07/2018, and included the condition of coauthor at the CADMAMAMME meeting 08/04/2021]
The presentation should last no more than 30 min, followed by comments and questions from the panel.
1. At least 2 weeks before the tentative date for the presentation, the student sends an e-mail to, with copy to the advisors and, attaching- the pdf document of the research plan
- his/her CV
- the form detailing the panel proposal (president, secretary and vocal), the date and time for the presentation, and the information for each one of the members of the panel.
- A scan of the registration form, previously signed by the advisors and the student.
- An updated version of the Document d'activitats del Doctorand (DAD)
Please, contact the PhD program admin or the coordinator for further information.